Volume 105, Issue 4 (2021)
Arguing for Argument’s Sake? Exploring Public Conversations around Climate Change on Twitter
Kennedy Mayfield-Smith, Alexa Lamm, Fallys Masambuka-Kanchewa, Abigail Borron, and Jessica Holt
Hemp There it Is: Examining Consumers’ Attitudes Toward the Revitalization of Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity
Shelli Rampold, Zachary Brym, Michaela S. Kandzer, and Lauri M. Baker
Community Stakeholders’ Perspectives of Craft Breweries in Their Communities in Oklahoma
Cara Jolly, Quisto Settle, Laura Greenhaw, Ruth Inman, and Dwayne Cartmell
Fresh, grown, made, and proud: How state governments use stewardship to collectively promote their state’s food products
Laura Witzling
Analyzing Changes in Students’ Media Writing Self-Perceptions During a Writing-Intensive Course
Cara Lawson, Whitney Whitaker, and Courtney Meyers
U.S. Geographic Differences in Media Source Use During COVID-19 Shelter in Place Orders
Allison R. Fortner, Kristin Gibson, and Alexa Lamm
The Ever-Evolving Brand of the Land-Grant Institution: A Historical Overview
Audrey E. H. King and M. Craig Edwards