

Saccharomyces, chromium propionate, insulin, glucose


Chromium (Cr) is an essential micromineral that serves to increase absorption of glucose from blood by potentiating the action of insulin. The ability to increase glucose tolerance could lead to more efficient use of glucose and ultimately to improved growth and efficiency. In addition, Cr may be beneficial in improving the immune response of cattle that are subjected to periods of stress. Organic forms of Cr (i.e., Cr propionate) increase absorption and are more physiologically active than their inorganic counterparts. Chromium propionate is currently the only approved form of organic Cr allowed for supplementation in cattle diets in the United States. Yeast supplements, most commonly in the form of various strains ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae, are commonly added to livestock diets as a means of stimulating digestion, intake, and animal performance. The purpose of this experiment was to compare feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma glucose profiles of cattle fed finishing diets with and without a combination of chromium propionate and yeast supplementation.


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