
Volume 11, Issue 1 (2025) Cattlemen's Day

Beef Cattle Management


Assessment of Nutrient Content of Kansas Grasslands Enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program
Allen G. Schwartz, Brandon J. Fraser, J. W. L. Banks, Sandy K. Johnson, and Jason M. Warner


Impact of Limit Feeding Finishing Beef Steers on Enteric Methane Production and Animal Performance
Carlee M. Salisbury, Jonn Albert Frey, Maria A. DeBernardi, and Logan Thompson


Post-Weaning Feed Intake and Performance of Bulls Developed in an Automated Feed Intake Management System
Brandon J. Fraser, J. W. L. Banks, Karol E. Fike, and Jason M. Warner

Beef Cattle Reproduction


Effects of an Acclimation Protocol During the Handling Events of the 7-day CO-synch + CIDR Protocol on Temperament and Reproductive Performance of Bos taurus Commercial Beef Heifers
Sydney H. Tastad, J. V. C. Silva, Santiago P. Hurtado, A. F. Machado, Victor E. Gomez-Leon, J. Jaeger, N. Oosthuizen, Sandy K. Johnson, and Nicholas W. Dias

Beef Cattle Nutrition


Effects of Bacillus subtilis PB6 (CLOSTAT 500) Incorporation Into a Commercial Mineral Supplement on Growth Performance and Health of Beef Stocker Calves Grazing in the Kansas Flint Hills
Z. M. Duncan, W. Cole Ellis, Macie C. Weigand, Colton D. Weir, William R. Hollenbeck, J. T. Leonhard, S. J. Trojan, J. E. Hergenreder, and Dale A. Blasi


Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Growth and Development of Bull Calves
Brandon J. Fraser, Allen G. Schwartz, and Jason M. Warner


Evaluation of Calcidol (25(OH)D3) or Combination of Calcidol and Beta-Carotene on Feed Intake, Growth Performance, and Health in High-Risk, Newly Received Beef Heifers
Macie C. Weigand, Zachary M. Duncan, W. Cole Ellis, Colton D. Weir, E. F. Schwandt, A. W. Levy, P. N. Gott, A. J. Tarpoff, and Dale A. Blasi


Nutrikinetic Evaluation and Modeling of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 in Beef Cattle
Macie C. Weigand, Zachary M. Duncan, W. Cole Ellis, Colton D. Weir, E. F. Schwandt, A. W. Levy, P. N. Gott, S. E. Martinez, A. J. Tarpoff, and Dale A. Blasi


Evaluating Ground Grain Sorghum as an Alternative to Dry-Rolled Corn in Finishing Cattle Diets
Harleigh Johnson, Sarah A. Sexton-Bowser, Jaymelynn K. Farney, and James S. Drouillard


greatOplus (Extruded Blend of Flaxseed and Nannochloropsis oculata Biomass) Improves Finishing Cattle Performance and Carcass Characteristics
Firman Nasiu, Luis F.B.B. Feitoza, A. N. Baker, L. R. Thorn, Ludmila S. Monteiro, and James S. Drouillard

Meat Science


The Effects of Aging Time on Eating Quality of Semimembranosus Steaks
Samuel F. Stickley, Lauren M. Frink, Stephanie L. Witberler, Mason J. Prester, Jerrad F. Legako, Dale R. Woerner, Rhonda K. Miller, Chris R. Kerth, Mahesh N. Nair, Jessica M. Lancaster, Erin S. Beyer, and Travis G. O'Quinn


The Effects of Aging Time on the Eating Quality of Biceps Femoris Steaks
Mason J. Prester, Lauren M. Frink, Stephanie L. Witberler, Jerrad F. Legako, Dale R. Woerner, Rhonda K. Miller, Chris R. Kerth, Mahesh N. Nair, Jessica M. Lancaster, and Travis G. O'Quinn


The Effects of Aging Time on the Eating Quality of Gluteus Medius Steaks
Chesney A. Effling, Lauren M. Frink, Stephanie L. Witberler, Mason J. Prester, Jerrad F. Legako, Dale R. Woerner, Rhonda K. Miller, Chris R. Kerth, Mahesh N. Nair, Jessica M. Lancaster, and Travis G. O'Quinn


The Effects of Aging Period and Freezing Sequence on Consumer Palatability Ratings, Tenderness, and Color Stability of Longissimus Dorsi, Semitendinosus, and Biceps Femoris Steaks
Taylor M. Dieball, Greta E. Huber, Samuel F. Stickley, Kiersten M. Gundersen, Kasey R. Maddock Carlin, Morgan D. Zumbaugh, Michael D. Chao, Jessie L. Vipham, Travis G. O'Quinn, and Erin S. Beyer


Determination of Consumer Purchase Thresholds for Discoloration of Beef Strip Steaks in Retail Display
Stephanie L. Witberler, Lauren M. Frink, Mason J. Prester, Chesney A. Effling, Michael D. Chao, Morgan D. Zumbaugh, Jessie L. Vipham, Erin S. Beyer, and Travis G. O'Quinn


The Impact of Degree of Doneness, Muscle Source, and Bloom Time on Cooked Color and Cooked Color Stability
Greta E. Huber, Taylor M. Dieball, Natalie T. Acosta Castellanos, Kiersten M. Gundersen, Kasey R. Maddock Carlin, Michael D. Chao, Jessie L. Vipham, Morgan D. Zumbaugh, Travis G. O'Quinn, and Erin S. Beyer


Influence of Degree of Doneness on the Alpha-Gal Content of Striploins and its Relationship with Red Meat Allergy
Sara R. Hene, Jack R. Kress, Jordan T. Looper, Erin S. Beyer, Travis G. O'Quinn, and Michael D. Chao


Determining the Spoilage Threshold for Ground Beef Using Multiple Objective Measures
Lauren M. Frink, Stephanie L. Witberler, Mason J. Prester, Erin S. Beyer, Jessie L. Vipham, Morgan D. Zumbaugh, Michael D. Chao, and Travis G. O'Quinn


Determining the Spoilage Threshold for Ground Beef Using Microbial, Color, and Oxidation Measures
Lauren M. Frink, Stephanie L. Witberler, Mason J. Prester, Erin S. Beyer, Michael D. Chao, Morgan D. Zumbaugh, Jessie L. Vipham, and Travis G. O'Quinn


Quality and Sensory Attributes of Tumbled or Marinated Beef Jerky
Ashton L. McGinn, D. L. Boyle, Travis G. O'Quinn, and Elizabeth A. Boyle

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