beef, marbling texture, muscle fiber, quality grade
Objective:Determine the effects of marbling texture and meat quality on muscle fiber type and size.
Study Description:Top Choice, Low Choice, and Select beef strip loins (n = 117; 39/grade) were visually categorized into fine, medium, or coarse marbling textures. The strip loins were fabricated into 1-inch steaks. The second steak was used for histology analysis. From each steak four marbling flecks and their surrounding tissue were collected. For each marbling fleck, 1 cryosection was collected for immunohistochemical analysis to determine muscle fiber characteristics.
The Bottom Line:These results reveal marbling texture did not impact muscle fiber cross-sectional area. Any potential difference in tenderness with varying marbling texture is not due to muscle fiber cross-sectional area or fiber type.
Recommended Citation
Rice, E. A.; Vierck, K. R.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Houser, T. A.; Boyle, E. A.; and O'Quinn, T. G.
"Marbling Texture Does Not Affect Muscle Fiber Type of Beef Strip Loin Steaks,"
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports:
Vol. 4: