Volume 4, Issue 7 (2018) Kansas Field Research
Effect of Late Nitrogen Applications on Grain Filling in Corn
J. A. Fernandez and I. A. Ciampitti
Effect of Fungicides on Southern Rust of Corn
E. A. Adee and S. Duncan
Cropping and Tillage Systems
2017 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial
J. D. Holman, A. Obour, A. Esser, J. Lingenfelser, S. Maxwell, T. Roberts, and G. F. Sassenrath
Management Practices
Timing and Positioning of Simulated Hail Damage Effects on Wheat Yield in Kansas: 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 Growing Seasons
R. P. Lollato, A. de Oliveira Silva, R. E. Maeoka, G. P. Bavia, L. Bonassi, and B. R. Jaenisch
Wheat Variety Response to Seeding Rate in Kansas During the 2015–2016 and 2016– 2017 Growing Seasons
R. P. Lollato, G. Zhang, B. R. Jaenisch, R. Maeoka, L. Bonassi, and A. K. Fritz
Wheat Development and Yield as Affected by Era of Variety Release and In-Furrow Fertilizer
R. E. Maeoka and R. P. Lollato
Plant Population and Fungicide Treatment Reduce Winter Wheat Yield Gap in Kansas
B. R. Jaenisch and R. P. Lollato
Reducing the Wheat Yield Gap Through Variety-Specific Management
A. de Oliveira Silva, A. K. Fritz, and R. P. Lollato
Evaluating Teff Grass as a Summer Forage
J. M. Davidson, D. Min, R. M. Aiken, and G. J. Kluitenberg
High Yielding Soybean: Genetic Gain and Nitrogen Limitation
O. A. Ortez, F. Salvagiotti, J. M. Enrico, E. A. Adee, and I. A. Ciampitti
Best Management Systems to Intensify Soybean Production
G. R. Balboa and I. A. Ciampitti
Effect of Management Practices on Double-Crop Soybean Yields
D. S. S. Hansel, J. Kimball, D. E. Shoup, and I. A. Ciampitti
Soybean Evaluation of Inoculation: A Three-Year Summary
M. A. Secchi, T. M. Albuquerque, O. A. Ortez, G. I. Carmona, J. Kimball, E. A. Adee, and I. A. Ciampitti
Effects of Nitrogen in Soybean Seed Quality Definition During Seed-Filling Period
S. Tamagno, E. A. Adee, and I. A. Ciampitti
Impact on Soybean Yield from Sudden Death Syndrome and Soybean Planting Date
E. A. Adee, C. Little, and I. A. Ciampitti
Field Station Weather Reports
E. A. Adee and M. C. Knapp
Weed Science
Palmer Amaranth Populations from Kansas with Multiple Resistance to Glyphosate, Chlorsulfuron, Mesotrione, and Atrazine
V. Kumar, P. W. Stahlman, and G. Boyer
Variable Response of Kochia Accessions to Dicamba and Fluroxypyr in Western Kansas
V. Kumar, P. W. Stahlman, R. Currie, R. Engel, and G. Boyer
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