Volume 5, Issue 6 (2019) Kansas Field Research
Effect of Late Planting Dates on Corn Yield
E. A. Adee and K. L. Roozeboom
Use of Satellite Imagery to Predict Corn Phenology at a Regional Scale
L. Nieto, R. Schwalbert, and I. A. Ciampitti
Effect of Late Nitrogen Fertilization on Grain Yield and Grain Filling in Corn
J. A. Fernandez and I. A. Ciampitti
Cropping and Tillage Systems
2018 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial
J. D. Holman, A. Obour, A. Esser, Jane Lingenfelser, T. Roberts, and S. Maxwell
Management Practices
Sugarcane Aphid Resistance in Pearl Millet
D. D. Serba and J. P. Michaud
Harvest Method, Cultivar, and Time of Swathing Effects on Yield and Oil Content of Winter Canola
M. J. Stamm, S. J. Dooley, and K. L. Roozeboom
Pursuing the Best Management Strategies for Corn-Soybean Rotation Systems in North Central Kansas
A. A. Correndo and I. A. Ciampitti
Evaluating Sorghum Senescence Patterns Using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Multispectral Imaging
I. Barnhart, L. H. Moro Rosso, M. A. Secchi, and I. A. Ciampitti
Crop Yield and Yield Stability as Affected by Long-Term Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates in Dryland Wheat and Sorghum Production Systems
M. Majrashi, A. K. Obour, and C. J. Moorberg
Long-Term Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates Effect on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Uptake in Dryland Wheat and Sorghum Production
M. Majrashi, A. K. Obour, and C. J. Moorberg
Effects of Cover Crops and Phosphorus Fertilizer Management on Soil Health Parameters in a No-Till Corn-Soybean Cropping System in Riley County, Kansas
L. M. Starr, P. J. Tomlinson, N. O. Nelson, C. L. Stewart, K. L. Roozeboom, G. J. Kluitenberg, and D. R. Presley
Influence of Soybean Planting Date on Sudden Death Syndrome and Soybean Yield
E. A. Adee, C. R. Little, and I. A. Ciampitti
Agronomic Optimal Plant Density by Yield Environment in Soybean
W. D. Carciochi and I. A. Ciampitti
Management Strategies for Double-Crop Soybean Planted After Wheat
D. S. S. Hansel, J. Kimball, and I. A. Ciampitti
Historical Soybean Study: Grain Filling × Nitrogen Fixation
S. Tamagno and I. A. Ciampitti
Nutritional Quality of Soybean Seeds Relative to Canopy Portion
L. H. Moro Rosso, W. D. Carciochi, and I. A. Ciampitti
Inoculation Timing Effect on Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Soybean Productivity
M. A. Secchi, A. R. Torres, L. H. Moro Rosso, and I. A. Ciampitti
Planting Date and Maturity Group Interaction for Soybean Productivity and Seed Quality in East Central Kansas
L. P. Pott, L. H. Moro Rosso, W. D. Carciochi, J. Kimball, E. A. Adee, and I. A. Ciampitti
Field Station Weather Reports
E. A. Adee and M. Knapp
Weed Science
Herbicide Strategies for Managing Glyphosate- and Dicamba-Resistant Kochia in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybean
V. Kumar, R. Liu, T. Lambert, and P. W. Stahlman
Effective Herbicide Options for Controlling Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybean
V. Kumar, R. Liu, T. Lambert, D. E. Peterson, C. L. Minihan, and P. W. Stahlman
Characterization and Management of Glyphosate- and HPPD-Inhibitor-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Kansas Corn Production
V. Kumar, R. Liu, and T. Lambert
Influence of Cultural Practices and Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Cold-Tolerant Sorghum
R. Liu, V. Kumar, R. Perumal, T. Lambert, and T. Ostmeyer
Effects of Spring-Planted Cover Crops on Weed Suppression and Winter Wheat Grain Yield in Western Kansas
A. K. Obour, J. D. Holman, J. A. Dille, and V. Kumar
Cover Crop Management Effects on Soil Water Content and Winter Wheat Yield in Dryland Systems
A. K. Obour, J. D. Holman, and J. R. Jaeger
Integrated Wheat Management for Improved Wheat Yield and Protein in Kansas
B. R. Jaenisch and R. P. Lollato
Wheat Variety Response to Seeding Rate in Kansas During the 2018–19 Growing Season
R. P. Lollato, L. Molssato, C. Rapolla, G. Zhang, and A. Fritz
Intensive Wheat Management for Yield and Quality: The Role of Variety, Environment, and Management Practices
R. P. Lollato, B. R. Jaenisch, and D. Marburger
Plant Growth Regulators to Decrease Wheat Height in High Fertility Scenarios
F. D. Spolidorio and R. P. Lollato
Wheat Development and Yield as Affected by Era of Variety Release and In-Furrow Fertilizer
R. E. Maeoka and R. P. Lollato
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