
Amid predictions of increasing numbers of jobs requiring employees with degrees, the retention of adult students returning to degree programs has become a critical concern. This study investigates generational differences in psychosocial factors that may influence adult students to discontinue taking classes, and the sources of support they find most helpful and important. A newly- created survey instrument was found to have acceptable validity and reliability and used to collect data from thousands of adult college students in April-May 2011.


adult, retention, psychosocial, generational, support

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License


Jun 10th, 5:56 PM

Psychosocial Issues and Sources of Support Affecting Retention for Adult Learners: Generational Variations

Amid predictions of increasing numbers of jobs requiring employees with degrees, the retention of adult students returning to degree programs has become a critical concern. This study investigates generational differences in psychosocial factors that may influence adult students to discontinue taking classes, and the sources of support they find most helpful and important. A newly- created survey instrument was found to have acceptable validity and reliability and used to collect data from thousands of adult college students in April-May 2011.