New Prairie Press - Adult Education Research Conference: Sustainable Program Development in Cancer Education: A Case Study


The purpose of this session is to first discuss a study in progress on the factors and elements that either assist or impede the planning and implementation of a breast cancer education program in a middle-income country in Southeast Asia. Second, participants will be asked to share similar studies they are aware of or have been involved with, and practical experiences they have had with programs of this nature.


Sustainablity, Program Planning, Cultural Differences

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Jun 10th, 9:30 AM

Sustainable Program Development in Cancer Education: A Case Study

The purpose of this session is to first discuss a study in progress on the factors and elements that either assist or impede the planning and implementation of a breast cancer education program in a middle-income country in Southeast Asia. Second, participants will be asked to share similar studies they are aware of or have been involved with, and practical experiences they have had with programs of this nature.