Type of Paper

Paper: Empirical


Empirical civic engagement research based in a South American context. Participants included adult learner populations engaged in revolutionary protests that opposed private for-profit education in Chile. Findings were higher order Spiral Dynamic Theory thinking at the for-profits and lower civic engagement.


Civic Engagement, Educationness, International Adult Education, Memetics, Spiral Dynamic Theory

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Additional Files

AERC Graduate Student Award Application.pdf (126 kB)
Graduate Student Research Award Application

FINAL_AERC _(Full Paper)_Figure 1. SDT Framework.pdf (370 kB)
Figure 1

FINAL_AERC Proposal (Full Paper)_References.pdf (396 kB)

FINAL_Table 2_Correlation Matrix (Supplementry Table).pdf (119 kB)
Table 2

FINAL_Narrative Outline of the SDT Framework.docx.pdf (192 kB)
SDT Brief Construct Descriptions


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Using Spiral Dynamic Theory for Adult Civic Engagement Research and Social Justice Education

Empirical civic engagement research based in a South American context. Participants included adult learner populations engaged in revolutionary protests that opposed private for-profit education in Chile. Findings were higher order Spiral Dynamic Theory thinking at the for-profits and lower civic engagement.