
Volume 104, Issue 1 (2020) Special Issue: Association for Communication Excellence 2019 Conference



Consumers’ Evaluation of Animal Welfare Labels on Poultry Products
Rexanna Powers, Nan Li, Courtney Gibson, and Erica Irlbeck


Utilizing Twitter to Communicate Risk after a Natural Disaster
Taylor K. Ruth, Teresa Suits, Ashley McLeod-Morin, and Ricky W. Telg


Characteristics of Oklahoma Agritourism Facebook Posts
Brittany Bowman, Quisto Settle, Angel Riggs, Stacy Tomas, and Audrey E. H. King

Journal of Applied Communications

About the Special ACE 2019 Conference Issue

Authors of refereed research papers presented at the 2019 ACE Conference are invited annually to submit their manuscripts for consideration for publication in a JAC special issue. They go through an expedited review process in which the research organizers of the ACE conference provide the paper reviews and authors detail how they improved the manuscript based on those reviews. The editors then review each manuscript along with the conference reviews and author letter to make a determination as to whether it will be accepted for publication in the special issue.