
Volume 106, Issue 1 (2022)



Persuasive Effects of Metaphors Regarding Gene-Editing in Agriculture
Nellie Hill, Courtney Meyers, Nan Li, David L. Doerfert, and Venugopal Mendu


Characteristics and Motivational Factors of American Equine Journalists
Zoe B. Bowden, Ricky W. Telg, and Lisa K. Lundy


Influence of Message Theme on Consumer Perceptions of Lab Grown Meat
Kellie Kubacak, Courtney Meyers, Hannah L. Ford, Nan Li, and Lindsay Kennedy

ACE Conference Papers


Consumers’ Purchasing Intent Regarding Conventional, Plant-Based, and Cultured Meats
Marlee Stollar, Joy N. Rumble, Emily B. Buck, Annie R. Specht, Wuyang Hu, and C. Lynn Knipe


Exploring News Coverage About Plant-Based Milk: A Content Analysis
Elise Regusci, Courtney Meyers, Nan Li, and Erica Irlbeck


Perception and Conceptualization of the Land-Grant Mission at a Land-Grant Institution
Audrey E. H. King, Quisto Settle, Dwayne Cartmell, Asya Cooley, and Jeff Sallee

About ACE Conference Paper Designation

Authors of refereed research papers presented at the [YEAR] ACE Conference were invited to submit their manuscripts for consideration for publication in JAC. They go through an expedited review process in which the research organizers of the ACE conference provide the paper reviews and authors detail how they improved the manuscript based on those reviews. Members of the editorial board then reviewed each manuscript along with the conference reviews and author letter to determine its acceptability publication in the special issue.

Sample Paragraph.