

Beef, external electrical impedance, pH, postmortem


Objective:To use external bioelectrical impedance analysis to assess postmortem chemical changes in normal- and high-pH beef longissimus lumborum steaks during simulated retail display.

Study Description:Beef strip loins (n = 20; postmortem age = 14 d) obtained from a commercial processor were sorted into two treatments, normal-pH (5.61–5.64; n = 11) and high-pH (6.2–7.0; n = 9). Loins were fabricated into five 1-inch thick steaks (n = 100), and randomly assigned to one of five display days: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. External bioelectrical impedance values, oxygen consumption, metmyoglobin reducing ability, protein degradation, water holding capacity, and pH were assessed on each storage day.

The BottomLine:External bioelectrical impedance is a method that could be used to separate normal- and high-pH strip loins with potential for rapid, in-plant use to identify dark-cutting beef.


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