2006 Round Tables (Minneapolis, MN) | 2006 Conference Proceedings (Minneapolis, MN)

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Tuesday, May 30th
9:00 AM

The Importance of Learning for Changing Sexual Practices in Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Ghana


Augustine M. Amenyah, Northwestern State University
Bradley C. Courtenay, University of Georgia

9:00 AM

Thursday, June 1st
9:00 AM

Towards a gender-sensitive model for distance education planning


Koyali Burman, University of British Columbia

9:00 AM

Friday, June 2nd
9:00 AM

Working for It: The Other Work in Graduate School, Procuring Fellowship Funding & Designing the Research to Accompany the Funds


Dominique T. Chlup
Lisa Gardner Flores
Joellen Coryell, Texas A&M University/ Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning (TCALL)

9:00 AM

Saturday, June 3rd
9:00 AM

The Politics of Poverty: Higher Education and Low Income Adult Learners


Catherine A. Hansman, Cleveland State University

9:00 AM

Sunday, June 4th
9:00 AM

The Adult Learner’s Quest: W.E.B. Du Bois As Vicarious Mentor


Don Hofford, Newman University

9:00 AM

Monday, June 5th
9:00 AM

Theorizing Adult Learning from the Postmodern Perspective: What Questions Do We Need to Ask?


Dae Joong Kang, University of Georgia

9:00 AM

Tuesday, June 6th
9:00 AM

A Pedagogy of Provisioning: Urban Agriculture as a Mechanism for Community Renewal


Pam Karstens Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

9:00 AM

Wednesday, June 7th
9:00 AM

University continuing education and social change: Theoretical and methodological points of departure


Scott McLean
Bethany Beale
Silvana Romano, University of Calgary

9:00 AM

Thursday, June 8th
9:00 AM

Late Transition to Technical College: Perspectives from Males Approaching Adulthood


Gary C. Lindeman, University of Wisconsin, Madison

9:00 AM

Friday, June 9th
9:00 AM

Giving African-American Men their Rightful Place


Teresita Pedraza Moreno, Miami Dade College

9:00 AM

Saturday, June 10th
9:00 AM

Membership or Motivation: Exploring Reform Jewish Women’s Participation in Religious Education


Teresa L. Mareschal
E. Paulette Isaac, University of Missouri- St. Louis

9:00 AM

Sunday, June 11th
9:00 AM

Introducing Legal Courses Into Adult Education Graduate Curricula


Lee Nabb, University of Wyoming

9:00 AM

Monday, June 12th
9:00 AM

The Role of Arts, Imagination & Creativity in Transformative Learning: What is Adult Education’s Responsibility in Facilitating this Learning?


Soni Simpson, National-Louis University

9:00 AM

Tuesday, June 13th
9:00 AM

Using a Hybrid Instructional Model in Teaching and Learning


Karen Skibba
Udeme Ndon, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

9:00 AM

Wednesday, June 14th
9:00 AM

Adult Students of Color in Predominately White Classrooms


Robin Walker Thompson, University of Missouri-Columbia

9:00 AM

Thursday, June 15th
9:00 AM

Workplace Diversity Training: Evoking Change or Reinforcing the Status Quo?


Patricia M. Thompson
Thomas V. Bettinger, Penn State University-Harrisburg

9:00 AM

Friday, June 16th
9:00 AM

Developing a Taxonomy to Support Program Planning for Adult Learning Events


Colleen Aalsburg Wiessner, North Carolina State University

9:00 AM