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Friday, June 1st
9:00 AM

Factors That Predict Involvement in Online Instruction; A Comparison of Full-Time and Part-Time Community College Faculty


Duane Akroyd
Susan Bracken
Bess Patton
Melissa Jackowski

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

Lower Income African American Women and HIV/AIDS: The Effect of Contexts on Identity Incorporation


Lisa Baumgartner, Northern Illinois University

9:15 AM

9:30 AM

A Four-Part Model of Informal Learning: Extending Schugurensky's Conceptual Model


Elizabeth E. Bennett, Tufts School of Medicine

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

Black Lesbian Spirituality: Hearing Our Stories


Elana C. Betts, Pennsylvania State University

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

Confronting the Postmodern Malaise: Embracing Education as “Rhizome”


Susan Birden, SUNY - Buffalo State College

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

Three Years in the Life of a Peer Support Initiative for Graduate Students Studying Adult Learning and Leadership – an Action Research Project Implementing the “ALL Peer Connect Project”


Jeanne E. Bitterman
Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura
Zachary Van Rossum
Sultana Mustafa

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

Using Emancipatory Transformative Learning to Address Smoking Behavior in the LGBT Community: A Quantitative Study


Larry Bryant, Georgia State University
Lorenzo Bowman, Devry University/Keller Graduate School of Management

10:30 AM

10:45 AM

Spiritual Pilgrimage as Metaphor and Movement in Adult Learning: The Transformative Journey Toward Wisdom


Perdeta L. Bush, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Elizabeth J. Tisdell, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

10:45 AM

11:00 AM

Taking Initiative and Constructing Identity: International Graduate Student Spouses‟ Adjustment and Social Integration in a University Town


Kimeka Campbell, Pennsylvania State University
Esther Prins, Pennsylvania State University

11:00 AM

11:15 AM

The Invisible Perpetrator of Inequality: Modern Conceptualizations of Social Class and Adult Education


Kimeka Campbell, Pennsylvania State University

11:15 AM

11:30 AM

Enhancing teaching skills and fostering critical reflective practices in the professional development of university teachers.


Mervin E. Chisholm, University of the West Indies

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

Undergraduate Latino Men Speak "Out"


Joshua C. Collins, Florida International University

11:45 AM

12:00 PM

Slow down. Listen. Observe. Know yourself. Understand your own culture. Get advice from others…and start planning early: Instructor learning and professional development in international field-based education


Joellen E. Coryell, Texas State University
Geleana Alston, Texas State University

12:00 PM

12:15 PM

A Conceptual Framework on the Process of Personal Transformation in a Primary Health Care Context for Living with a Chronic Illness


Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz, University of Ottawa
Judy King, University of Ottawa
Barbara Paterson, Thompson Rivers University
Brenda Ashe, The Ottawa Hospital
Jacques Chevrier, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
Mirela Moldoveanu, Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingu

12:15 PM

12:45 PM

Mature Age Workers‟ Experiences of Learning in Accredited Courses


Darryl Dymock, Griffith University
Gregory Martin, University of Technology Sydney

12:45 PM

1:00 PM

Engineers‟ Perceptions of Diversity and the Learning Environment at Work: A Mixed Methods Study


Brenda L. Firestone, Pennsylvania State University

1:00 PM

1:05 PM

Sociocultural Perspectives in an Online ESL Professional Development Program: Are There Transformative Features?


Karin Sprow Forte, Pennsylvania State University

1:05 PM

1:10 PM

Continuing Professional Education Needs Assessments in Emergency Medical Services


Scott Frasard, University of Georgia

1:10 PM

1:15 PM

Re-imagining Paulo Freire through Rortian Neo-Pragmatism


Ramazan Gungor

1:15 PM

1:20 PM

Developing Global Workforce: An Integrative Intercultural Effectiveness Model for International Human Resource Development


Pi-Chi Han, University of Missouri-St. Louis

1:20 PM

1:25 PM

Education as a Political Act: Community-based Participatory Research with Union Women


Cindy Hanson, University of Regina

1:25 PM

1:30 PM

Reframing the Meaning of Self-Directed Learning: An Updated Modeltt


Roger Hiemstra, Syracuse University
Ralph G. Brockett, University of Tennessee

1:30 PM

1:35 PM

Exploring Health and Health Education Participation of African American Fathers


E. Paulette Isaac, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Wilma J. Calvert, University of Missouri-St. Louis

1:35 PM

1:40 PM

Welfare Identity: Separating the Public from the Private


Michelle Johnson, Texas A&M University
Debbie Lechuga, Texas A&M University

1:40 PM

1:45 PM

Women Reading for Education, Affinity & Development (WREAD): An Evaluation of a Semi-Structured Reading Discussion Group For African American Female Adult Literacy Students


Jaye Jones, University of Chicago, School of Social Service Administration

1:45 PM

1:50 PM

“I Hate to Be Evaluated”: A Grounded-Theory Analysis of Adult Learners‟ Evaluation Anxiety in Korea National Open University


K.P. Joo, Pennsylvania State University

1:50 PM

1:55 PM

Empowering Community Leadership and Learning for Immigrant Right: A Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Investigation of an Urban Korean American Community Organization


Junghwan Kim, Pennsylvania State University

1:55 PM

2:00 PM

Walking Against the Grain: A Case Study of Catholic Women‟s Social Justice Discourse, Practice and Spirituality in Post-Katrina New Orleans


Sherri K. Lawless, University of Georgia

2:00 PM

2:05 PM

Synchronized Swimming: Arts-based Approaches to Teaching Novice Researchers


Randee Lipson Lawrence, National Louis University
Shauna Butterwick, University of British Columbia

2:05 PM

2:10 PM

Toward a New Motivation to Learn Framework for Older Adult Learners


Yi-Yin Lin, University of Georgia
Lorilee R. Sandmann, University of Georgia

2:10 PM

2:15 PM

Adult Newcomers and Immigrants in North America: Promising Pathways for Transformative Learning


Karen Magro, University of Winnipeg

2:15 PM

2:20 PM

Teaching with New Eyes: Transformative Faculty Professional Development for Online Teaching


Carol A. McQuiggan, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

2:20 PM

2:25 PM

Synoptic Judgment: Constructing Cross Racial Dialogues in a Post Racial Society


Lisa R. Merriweather, University of North Carolina
Talmadge C. Guy, University of Georgia
Elaine Manglitz, Clayton State University

2:25 PM

2:30 PM

Social Justice Narrative Inquiry: A Queer Crit Perspective


Mitsunori Misawa, University of Memphis

2:30 PM

2:35 PM

Corporate America and Politics: A Comparative Analysis of the Career Aspirations and Experiences of African Americans


Glenn A. Palmer, DeVry University
Dionne Rosser-Mims, Troy University

2:35 PM

2:40 PM

The World as It Could Be: Class, Race and Gender for and with Working Class Students


Dianne Ramdeholl, Empire State College/SUNY
Richard Wells, Empire State College/SUNY

2:40 PM

2:45 PM

Exploring Adult Risk Propensity and Academic Risk-Taking within the Online Learning Environment


Linda E. Robinson, University of Connecticut
Alexandra Bell, University of Connecticut

2:45 PM

2:50 PM

Self-Directed Learning in the Workplace: Implications for the Legislation of Trade Union Education in South Korea


Jeong Rok Oh, University of Minnesota
Cho Hyun Park, Pennsylvania State University

2:50 PM

3:00 PM

Funding Innovative Programs for Adults: Searching for Policy on the Improvement of Higher Education


Amy D. Rose, Northern Illinois University
Bridget D. Stuckey, Northern Illinois University

3:00 PM

3:05 PM

Job Training and the Skills Debate: A Road to Nowhere?


Fred M. Schied, Pennsylvania State University
Keon Skelton, Pennsylvania State University

3:05 PM

3:10 PM

A New Normal: Young Men of Color, Trauma and Engagement in Learning


Joni M. Schwartz

3:10 PM

3:15 PM

The disjuncture of learning and recognition: Licensure-related credential assessment from the standpoint of Chinese immigrant engineers in Canada


Hongxia Shan

3:15 PM

3:20 PM

Reconnecting with Your Passion: An Action Research Study Exploring Humanities and Professional Nursing


Melissa J. Snyder, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

3:20 PM

3:25 PM

The Impact of a GED to College Transitions Program on Student Motivation


Donald Stoddart, Texas A&M University
Mattyna L. Stephens, Texas A&M University
Michelle Johnson, Texas A&M University
Debbie Lechuga, Texas A&M University

3:25 PM

3:30 PM

Wisdom, Complexity, and Adult Education: Emerging Theory and Meanings for Practice


Ann L. Swartz, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Elizabeth J. Tisdell, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

3:30 PM

3:35 PM

How Adult ESL Students Perceive Prior-Experience-Based Instruction


Fujuan Tann
Lee Nabb

3:35 PM

3:40 PM

A Content Analysis of Transformative Learning Theory


Edward W. Taylor, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Patricia Cranton, Pennsylvania State University

3:40 PM

3:45 PM

The Role of Digital Story Telling (about Spirituality and Cultural Identity) In Instrumental, Communicative, and Emancipatory Learning


Elizabeth J. Tisdell, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Gregory Carrow-Boyd, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Shivaani Selvaraj, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
Janelle Heiseman, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

3:45 PM

3:50 PM

Constructing Latino Cultural Citizenship in the GED Classroom: Mexican Migrant Students Claim their Right to an Education


Lucy Guevara Velez

3:50 PM

3:55 PM

Non-Western Teaching and Learning Processes: Adult education Among Women Artists of Kenya‟s Luo community.


Akinyi Wadende

3:55 PM

4:00 PM

Testing a Theory of Change Model for Evaluating the Impact of Action Learning Programs


Karen E. Watkins, University of Georgia
Aliki Nicolaides, University of Georgia

4:00 PM

4:05 PM

Authenticity in the Classroom: A Qualitative Study of Lesbian Health Educators


Rebecca A. Weiler-Timmins, Pennsylvania State University

4:05 PM

4:10 PM

Violent Transformations: Can Adult Learning Theory Help Explain Radicalization, Political Violence, and Terrorism?


Alex S. Wilner
Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz

4:10 PM

4:15 PM

Class Dismissed: Exploring the Semiotic Niche of Academicians with Working Class Roots


Robin Redmon Wright, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

4:15 PM